Make Anxiety Disappear!

Make Anxiety Disappear!!

When you suffer from constant worries, phobia, or obsessive thoughts, it is important to realise that you don’t have to accept it and just live with it forever. You can do something about it. Therapy with a clinical psychologist is the most effective choice in such cases. Unlike the medications, therapy treats the root and the symptoms of the issue. It can help you not only identify the underlying issues but it can help you to manage the current issues.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most used therapy for anxiety disorders. Research has shown that it is the best treatment for social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder, and other similar conditions.

Cognitive therapy focusses on the cognitions, negative thoughts that play a role in anxiety. It also focuses on behavioural therapy in which identifying the situations that are triggering your anxiety.

Can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy treat Anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy identifies factors that make individuals more vulnerable to develop anxiety. Environment Factors that may trigger a felling of anxiety (e.g. stress at work, not sleeping well, hormone imbalance).

Early developmental issues may also increase the developing an anxiety problem. For example, childhood financial problems, abuse, neglect , neurodevelopmental difficulties, physical illness or bereavements.

According to CBT, life events shapes our ‘core beliefs’. Core beliefs are our principles about people, the world around us, and ourselves. Our core beliefs will stay with us and govern our actions towards ourselves and others . Based in our core beliefs we hold certain rules or assumptions about how things should be and work. We then respond to our problems based on these assumptions that we hold.

Generalised anxiety disorder develops when the person worries excessively about multiple things. People who have GAD can anticipate danger and experience chronic stress as they are overly concerned about money, health, family, work, and other day to day issues that are not disastrous. They have difficulty in controlling their worry. Often they experience anxiety in terms of their physical bodies and expect danger when there is no particular reason to feel that.

When do you seek CBT for GAD from a Clinical PSYCHOLOGIST ?

If you have difficulty controlling worry for more than 4 months as well as experience three to for of these symptoms persistent ly it is recommended to connect with a clinical psychologist to treat GAD.

• Feeling irritating all the time

• Feeling tyred or weak

• sleeping problems

• gastrointestinal problems.

• Have an increased heart rate.

• Difficulty in concentrating

• Breathing rapidly

• Having a sense of danger when there is no actual danger

How Can a Clinical PSYCHOLOGIST Help?

Treatment of GAD focuses on several key areas:

Breaking the worry cycle by understanding and eliminating unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.

Overcoming avoidance behaviour by identifying the underlying fear(s) and the underlying factors related to fear(s).

Accepting uncertainty and working to modify beliefs that does not tolerate uncertainty.

Identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that further maintains these unhealthy thoughts.

Teaching healthy and fresh responses to worry such as problem solving and other helpful tools to breakdown anxious thoughts.


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