Dr. Shabnam Hariri

Chartered Clinical Psychologist

HCPC Registered

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Watts

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Nothing works despite every effort? Book a judgement-free, confidential clinical session for personal and professional well-being and growth. I can help you regain clarity, cope better and discover your best.  

I am Dr Shabnam Hariri, a chartered clinical psychologist registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC) and the British Psychological Society (BPS). I’ve worked in mental health for over fifteen years and qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 2008. I offer one-to-one therapy, workshops and clinical supervision.

Therapy provides a non-judgemental, safe space to explore your thoughts and feelings. Through empathetic listening, you have the opportunity not only to understand yourself better but also to develop new ways to view and approach your problems. 

As a Clinical Psychologist, I use several theoretical models. These include person-centred, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural approaches, mindfulness, and acceptance committed therapy (ACT). My clinical approach is integrative, using a range of therapeutic techniques, considering both an individual's needs and current research evidence. 

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It can be challenging to know what kind of therapy you need when first seeking help. 

That is why the first step is to book a free discovery appointment and discuss your presenting problems. We can explore your needs and see if we can support you with your personal goals and challenges. 

The accompanying menu offers further information and guidance about some of the presenting problems that I work with at my clinical practice. 

Please get in touch with me if you would like to enquire about support for your individual needs.

Women’s Health Issues: 

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Chronic stress
Fertility issues
Neonatal loss
Menopausal mood shifts
Weight management issues
Sleep issues
Loss of libido
Autoimmune disorders 

Adult Issues: 

Stress management 
Anxiety disorders
Low self-esteem
Relationship issue
Panic attacks 
Public speaking anxiety 
Sleep issues 
Chronic pain
Weight management 
Smoking cessation 
Relationship issues 
Eating disorders 


  • Sessions are provided online for confidentiality and convenience. Following an connection chat we can make an initial appointment to discuss your concerns.

  • I only provide online therapy. It has been recognised that working remotely through safe, secure online platforms can be effective and convenient, depending on your needs. If this is something you are interested in, please let me know when you contact me and we can discuss how to accommodate this.

  • You do not need a referral to begin working with me; please contact me telephone and we will discuss your needs with you. However, you may have been referred by your GP or another professional. If this is the case, we will liaise with them as appropriate.

  • My practice does not provide emergency service. Please follow one of these options depending on the situation:

    • Call 999 if you need an ambulance

    • Contact your GP

    • Attend the nearest A&E department or call NHS 111

    • Call the Samaritans’ 24-hour helpline on 116 123 or, for those under 18, call Childline on 0800 1111

  • Please contact Dr. Shabnam Hariri to discuss fees.

  • There are two payment options:

    1. A credit or debit card is saved to your client file and payment is automatically taken for sessions as they occur. This is the most popular payment option as it requires the least input by you.

    2. Pay direct on invoice link before the session.

  • Unfortunately I do not accept insurance.


I take your privacy very seriously. Please do not enter personal health information in the form. Provide us your details and we will follow up via encrypted secure email.